Meals on Wheels is a life giver and a life saver!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Walmart Donates Emergency Generator

Thanks to a generous donation (and much help) from Walmart, through our association with Meals on Wheels Association of America, we now have an emergency generator for our Peninsula Volunteers Meals on Wheels program!

People's lives depend on our daily delivery of hot, nutritious and SAFE meals to their homes. For home-bound seniors and disabled adults, who cannot shop, cook, or store food for themselves, this is often the major  nutrition they get each day. For some it's their ONLY meal each day! That makes our Meals on Wheels deliveries a life-saver (along with the daily personal safety check our drivers make at each home.)

So what would happen if the electricity at our kitchens at Little House were to stop or brown out? Our refrigerator and food-safe packaging machinery wouldn't run and we would have to cancel that life-giving meal.

Now, thanks to Walmart, that won't ever happen. THANK YOU, WALMART!

For more information visit our Peninsula Volunteers Meals on Wheels page, or call: 650-323-2022.

For your further reading: and the Palo Alto Daily News ran an article on September 21st about the donation:

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